About the AGNC

The Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors is an organisation representing genetic counsellors, genetic nurses and non-medical, patient-facing staff working within the discipline of Clinical Genetics, NHS Genomic Medicine Centres and wider healthcare settings in the UK and Ireland. The Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with registered number 13891146.

The AGNC is one of five constituent groups of the BSGM.

There are now 330 AGNC members within the UK (March 2018).         

For more information about AGNC and how to become a member please click here.

The AGNC is now also on Twitter @theAGNC.


The aims of the association include:

  • to provide support for professionals working in the field 
  • to provide forums for education and scientific meetings
  • to represent the views of the profession
  • to prescribe good standards of clinical practice
  • to liaise and collaborate with other clinical and scientific colleagues in the field
  • to provide channels of communication within the profession


The membership is open to professionals whose work involves contact with families or individuals affected by or at risk of a genetic condition. Whilst in many cases, members are working within a Regional Genetics Service, increasingly those working in allied areas such as oncology and fetal medicine have found membership of the Association beneficial.

For discussion of the history the AGNC, and the evolution of the genetic counselling profession we recommend the Wellcome Connecting Science YouTube channel.

Prospective members will usually have a qualification in nursing or genetic counselling and must be nominated by two members of the BSGM, alternatively applicants can submit a CV via the BSGM system.

Members can stay up to date with AGNC issues by following us on Twitter and belonging to the AGNC members Yahoo email account.

In order to join the AGNC you must join the British Society of Genetic Medicine, the umbrella society for the UK Professional Organisations for Human Genetics.  You must be nominated by two members of the AGNC.

Membership is at one of the following levels:

  • Ordinary 
  • Student (including STP trainees)
  • Agenda for Change (AfC) band 5 and below
  • AfC band 8d and above
  • Honorary/retired

Membership of the Cancer Genetics Group may also be added.

For information about membership please click here.

There are several awards for which members of the AGNC may apply. These will be awarded through application to the committee.


Minutes from AGNC Committee Meetings are also available for members through the Commitee Documents page.


AGNC Representatives on BSGM Council

BSGM Council includes representatives from each of the constituent groups. BSGM Council discusses issues relevant to BSGM membership as a whole, e.g. response to requests for information from other organisations such as HGC, do once and share project and plans for future BSGM conferences, and the constituent groups report back to Council.


BSGM Book Club 

AGNC members are eligible to use the BSHG Book club with Oxford University Press and Scion Publishing. 

Oxford University press: 20% discount for all members

Scion Publishing: 20% discount for all members

The AGNC mailing list (Google Group)

To join the AGNC Google group please email the AGNC committee (AGNCcommittee@gmail.com) to request addition to the group; please include your RSB/BSGM membership number as well as the email address to which you would prefer AGNC Google group emails to be sent.

Once added you should begin to receive emails from members that are sent to the group; and can then also send emails, from your nominated address, to the group using the address: agnc@googlegroups.com.



AGNC Travel Awards

During the COVID19 epidemic the AGNC can help you to maintain your CPD. We are offering £50 conference awards to allow you to attend training and conferences virtually. Please use the below travel award application form to apply, send to agnccommittee@gmail.com.

AGNC Expenses

It is necessary to establish a time limit on AGNC expense claims. As of 1st September 2009, all claims forms must be received by the AGNC treasurer within 6 months of the date on the receipt. Those claim forms received after 6 months will not be reimbursed unless previously agreed with the treasurer. Any question, please contact the AGNC teasurer or a committee member.

The following guidelines for reimbursement of expenses were agreed by the AGNC membership at the AGM on 25/09/2002. These guidelines are intended for use by the AGNC Committee, Working Parties convened by the AGNC and any AGNC member undertaking work on behalf of the AGNC.

See expenses claim documents below.

Procurement Policy

Meeting Venue

Consideration should be given to the venue of meetings. London may not always be the cheapest or most convenient place to meet. It may be possible to meet at a department that does not have representation on the group.

Length of Meeting

What length of meeting is appropriate? Groups may wish to schedule an all day meeting occasionally if this is felt to be more productive than a half-day

Expense Claims

(Updated following agreement at AGNC Committee Meeting 11/02/2014)

1. A maximum limit of £250 applies for travel and accommodation expenses(inclusive) for an individual to attend any meetings.

2. Receipts must be submitted with all expenses. 

Unfortunately no receipt = no money.

3. An attempt is made wherever possible to travel by the cheapest means. This may require forward planning, suggestions include:

- Booking train tickets as soon as possible to take advantage of reduced fares i.e. saver/apex tickets

- Explore travelling off-peak if possible/convenient

- Travel by a budget airline (this may require catching a train from the airport to the meeting venue).

4. When travelling by car, mileage will be reimbursed in keeping with the NHS Term & Conditions (last updated November 2014).

Up to 3,500 miles per year.

Flat rate of 45p per mile.

 5. If an overnight stay is required because of the timing of the meeting: -

· Subsistence will be paid up to £75 for overnight accommodation for one night
· Subsistence will be paid up to £20 for an evening meal

6. Reimbursement is given for the cost of the food provided during the meeting i.e. lunch. No other subsistence will be paid for without prior agreement.

7. Any expense claims received which are not covered by the above may not be paid without prior discussion with the Treasurer/Committee.

Administrative Bursary

The setting up of the administrative bursary was agreed by the AGNC membership at the AGM 25/09/2002

Guidelines for application

1. The administrative bursary is for one-off, non-recurrent expenses. 

2. Payment will be made to individuals who are not AGNC members. This will be in recompense for work that is felt to be over and above the accepted work load undertaken by an AGNC member standing on a Working Party or committee.

3. A sum of £100 will be set aside annually for each of the following groups

· Training and Education Working Party

· Career Structure and Salary Working Party

· Committee

4. If a group does not apply for the full sum of £100 within the financial year, the balance will be lost.

5. The same conditions will apply when any new Working Parties are convened.

6. All applications must be made in advance of the work being carried out to ensure members are not left out of pocket.

7. All applications should be made to a committee member.

8. Payment of applications is at the discretion of the AGNC committee.

9. Payments made for committee business must be agreed by a majority vote of the committee and clearly minuted.

Business Guidelines for AGNC Working Parties

1. Each Working Party nominates a liaison person who will:-

· Provide minutes to the committee after each meeting

· Inform the Chairperson and Treasurer of the date of the next meeting

2. All Working Parties will provide feedback to the membership at the AGM outlining the work completed in the last year and the work plan for the coming year.

3. The liaison person will discuss with the Treasurer how many meetings the Working Party anticipate will be required to fulfil their work plan. The Working Party will then be allocated a nominal budget based on the number of meetings required and the average cost of a meeting for that Working Party.

4. The liaison person will be kept informed of the expense budget by the Treasurer.

5. If the Working Party decides that extra meetings are required to fulfil their work plan, this will be discussed with the Treasurer & Committee prior to them taking place.